Delay-Tolerant Networking work:
Saratoga Bundle Protocol work Interplanetary Internet work HTTP-DTN


Work done with colleagues at Cisco Systems and elsewhere.
Commercially-oriented work on delay-tolerant networking.

Now at Sourceforge.

HTTP-DTN protocol stack
HTTP-DTN protocol stack

HTTP-DTN is an approach to Delay-Tolerant Networking that offers an alternative to the Bundle Protocol. HTTP-DTN is based on using existing commercially-implemented protocols.

HTTP-DTN uses HTTP as a session layer, running in separate hop-by-hop sessions between nodes relaying traffic. HTTP is separated from TCP into its own layer, running over different convergence or transport layers that suit the underlying network and link characteristics.

Other HTTP-DTN work

Public implementation of HTTP-DTN

HTTP-DTN has been implemented in Python as a transport in ManP2P-ng by Jéferson Campos Nobre and colleagues. Code is in a dedicated subdirectory:

This implementation is described in:

Similar HTTP-as-a-waist work

Papers discussing how HTTP is the new waist of the internet include:

Lloyd Wood (