DARPA Fractionated Spacecraft Workshop
Colorado Springs, 3-4 August 2006.
Part of the DARPA System F6 program.
There are no official online proceedings for this workshop. Online copies of presentations include:
- Owen Brown, Fractionated spacecraft workshop: visions and objectives.
- Richard Golding, Adaptive distributed computing for fractionated space systems.
- Will Ivancic, Internet technologies for fractionated spacecraft.
- Joseph Mueller, Critical orbit control issues for fractionated spacecraft.
- Kevin Rooney, An exercise in spacecraft mission fragmentation.
- Hanspeter Schaub, Electrostatic force transmission.
- Andrew Turner, In-space power transfer.
- Peter Will, Cooperative Spacecraft performing in-space assembly.
- Lloyd Wood, Data routing and transmission protocols (mentioning CLEO, the Cisco router in Low Earth Orbit and slot clouds).
A preliminary agenda listing all speakers is here as an aide memoire.