Dissertation could be security threat, Laura Blumenfeld, Washington Post, 8 July 2003.
Sean Gorman runs www.networkgeography.org, as announced a while back in the Geography of Cyberspace, who track these things. The Slashdot crowd has thrown up a much earlier Science Daily article resulting from a University of Florida press release in 1999.
It's possible that Sean Gorman's work is far more real-world and applicable than, oh, Tony Grubesic's work. It's also possible that he's just better at publicity.
I don't see the dangers in releasing map information; a society where it is unsafe to release such information is not a society I'd wish to live in. But then I'm not a fan of the "Keep it secret, stupid!" mantra.
Posted by Lloyd Wood at July 8, 2003 06:12 PM