the Kaleidoscope logo you love

Download Aqua, Hi-Tech and Gizmo Kaleidoscope schemes, themes, skins, and more!

Index to scheme authors

This comprehensive list of independent scheme authors' pages was maintained by Sven Berg Ryen for his Kaleidoscope Resource Page. Sven's own index of scheme authors may still be available. For Japanese authors, consult desktopper.

This list was alphabetical, but is slowly becoming unordered for ease of maintenance - scheme authors aren't very good at keeping permanent web addresses, or reorganise their sites on a whim, meaning that links to them break easily. A shorter list of authors, providing a Zen-like reflection of Lloyd's preferences, is also available.

Perhaps scheme authors will be more careful with their webpages now Kaleidoscope 2.2 and later add a hidden website feature where clicking on the nameplate in the control panel can take you to a URL. But, somehow, I doubt it.

Comments? Corrections? Updates? Additions? Please contact me. An ever-decreasing number of authors here; it used to be over 180, but few authors create their own webpages for their schemes these days, and those that do move around without having the courtesy to redirect or leave pointers.

And you can download and develop themes instead!

Index to scheme authors
Try using Find... in your browser for a particular author.

Matt's Schemes
from Matt Chisholm
Jcidin, True IRIX and others.

Andrew Lee's schemes
from Andrew Lee
Hi-Platinum and variants.

Ashran schemes
from Ashran
Hi! schemes.

cxc schemes
from Chris Shephard
CST and SRL variants.

Akamai schemes
from dorian weisel
Apple Gray with lights suite.

Albie's schemes
from Albie Wong
* le must de CARTIER, AGoldGold, B52, BeeHive, BeWitched, BlackSun, BlueMoon, BluLulu, ClockWorkOrange, ComicHero, Dewberry, DreddLock, FairIsle, FreezeFrame, GhostTrail, GraceMaze, GreyMist, GucciKoo, HolySmoke, HotSpurs, ImperialMing, JavaBloom, LuigiXIV, MacOSZone, MacPlaza, Maharaja, Martini, MelodyFair, MiniMinx, OpiumSeed, PastelTrace, PearlRain, PearlRhap, PeepShow, Pink Cadillac, PoisonArrow, RainbowHigh, RealRhap, Red China, RoyalOrchid, SeaNymph, SilkWorm, SirenAngel, StarlightExpress, SteelChill, StTropez, SuziWong, TestaRossa, WannaBe, WoodStock, ZeroZero7.

Andi's schemes
from Andi
Bukovyna, Carpathia, English Garden, Hahilkje, Howl O Ween, Hutzulka, Kolomeike, Seri, Tea Rose, TooBlue, Trypillia.

AquaLabyrinth schemes
from Yoshihiro "Rob-Roy" Murakawa
Dora, Fujiko, Gigen, Gigen, the gunman 2, Goemon, Laputa, Lupin, Sakura, The Bar No. 1.

BeeShoo's schemes
from BeeShoo
*DDD*, Bowling?, Circuit Board, Eyez, Illinois, MacOS, Nebraska, PipeDream, Pyramids, Shadowz, The 60's.

Bombay Digital schemes
from Trygve Isaacson

Bouncy schemes
from Neil Green
Agent Aardvark, Beryl, BerylBe, BeVark, BouncyOS, Box, Elysium, Lake Veronica, Nova Zembla, Professional , Swan, Syenite, Thunderhead, Aardoz, Aardvark, Aardvark Smooth, Aardvark Ultra Smooth, Aardwolf, Aashen.

Calyxa's schemes
from Ruth Fry aka Calyxa Omphalos
Amber, Corundum, DecoGlass Series, Karishikar, Leather Pride, Minara, Moonstone, Pride, Tourmaline.

Carl Vine's schemes
from Carl Vine

Charlie's schemes
from Charlie Austin
Boards, Bonehead Deluxe, Mopar, Trailer Park.

Curtis' schemes
from Curtis Townson
Azure, Clumsy, Mainframe, MK for OS, Praying Mantis, Radioactive Thunderlizard.

Cyberrainbow schemes
from Eduardo Castejon

D'Studio Schemes
from Dorian Weisel
Studio Gray.

Dobin's schemes
from dobin
Discipline, FutureDays, PerfectPair.

Eldacur Techologies schemes
from Jim Burrows
Eldacur Anteak, Eldacur Bluish, Eldacur LeitMotif, Eldacur Mauvelous.

Fools On The Planet schemes
from atsuno-k
Byakugun, Souten, Wakana.

Freebird's schemes
from Freebird
chinese, japonism, karakusa, Moow200?.

GAM schemes
from Nicolas Aubagnac
Nintendo 64, Noël2, Bozoscope, MacWin98, Nicoscope2.

Hardcore schemes
from Naoto Horikawa
Core, Cyco, Dream, G.Hole, Gold, Hole, Holy, Mosh, Murasaki, Persimmon, Pure, RedRed, Sam, Vain.

Hi! Inc. schemes
from Andrew Stevenson
Advanced Hi!, Alphabits, BeBuzzed, Bloody, Buzzed, Captain America, CDH, Hello, Hi, Hi! 2.0, iMac.

Janet Parris' schemes
from Janet Parris
Air Signs, Antiquity, April Violets, Aquamarine, Autumn Leaves, Birds, Blue Glass, Bunnies, Butterflies, Byzantine, Celtic Knot, Ceremond, Children's Christmas, Christmas Sacred, Christmas Traditional, Classical Blues, Daffodils, Desert, Diana's Candle, Doggies, Eagle, Earth Signs, Easter Egg, Easter Sunrise, Egypt, Elegance, Elegance Argent, Elegance Hunter, Emerald Peridot, Fantasy, Fire Signs, Garden, Garden Bouquet, Geometric, Goldfire, Goldfish, Greek Key, Halloween, Hanukkah, Kismet, Kitties, Kunzite, Lace and Sapphires, Morganite, Music, New Year's, Pastel Plaid, Pastorale, Peach Lake, Pearl, Pinstripe, Plaid, Rainbow Blues, Rainbow Fractal, Rapunzel, Red Rose, Renaissance, Roses, Seashell, Seashell II, Snowscape, Spring Plaid, Springtime, St. Paddy's Day, Star Trek, Stripes, Sunrise, sunset, Swan, Tapestry, Thanksgiving, Twilight, UltraTech, UltraTech Bronze, Valentine's Day, Water Signs, White Roses, Winter Wonderland.

Jeffery's schemes
from Jeffrey T. Gayton
Jeff's Grayscale Reversed.

jiji's schemes
from jiji
akira, Black&Blue S2, blue b0.8, NXT 003, NXT TypeC 200, NXTtypeC 010, NXTtypeC 101, Ray green, Ray-Green 2.72, Ray-Green Smooth 2, Ray-red, SolidBlue, Summer, SunFlower, Sunflower Mid.

Jorge's schemes
from Jorge Salvador Caffarena
Fuel, GeoAquamarine, GeoBouncy, GeoBW, GeoIvy, GeoLavender, GeoNeon, GeoNutMeg, GeoPlum, GeoSilver, LadyHawke, Multithread Embossed, Multithread Flat.

Josh Lewis's schemes
from Josh Lewis
Heavy Metals collection, L-Levals Collection.

Jyroflux schemes
from David Neal
AquaFlux, Carmen, Carmen Bright, Carmen Dark, GoldFlux, GoldFlux II, Jyroflux Blue, Jyroflux Blue II, JyroFlux Drab, Jyroflux Green, JyroFlux Green II, Jyroflux Soft, Jyroflux Teal, Jyroluminum, MarsFlux, Meg, Meg Blue, Meg Blue Thin, Meg Thin, Mysteria, SilverFlux, SilverFlux II, TechFlux, TechFlux Blue, TechTron, TechTron Too.

Kaleidoscope Box
from Junichi Tabuchi
Apple Blue, Lovetto.

Kaleidoscope Scheme Bazaar
from Catherine and Scott Hunter
Byzantium, Cabernet, Chiaroscuro, Dark Chocolate, Emerald Fire, Isphahan, Midnight Sky, Mirkwood, Mordor, Painted Desert, Senufo, Serengeti, Stonehenge, Summer Solstice, Thunderbolt, Tlingit, Trinidad, Yggdrasill.

Kaleidoscope Shack
from Brad Matter
Be In My Bonnet, Be Lucid, Lucid, System 7 Nostalgica Silver, System Seven-dot-Seven, System Zero, System Zero +, System Zero Bold, System Zero Bold +, The Thing That Should Not Be.

Kaleidoscopic Creations
from Richard Bensam
Argent, Banner, Croesus, Ocean, Ozymandias, Scrollites Dragon.

Karl von Laudermann's software
from Karl von Laudermann
Grape, Spheres.

Keiichi's schemes
from Keiichi
NonAir 3.18a, NonAir 3.20a, NonAir 5.23a, Sumash 7.22.

Kogawa's schemes
from Shinobu Kogawa
Cafe Paradise, eWorlder.

Kool schemes
from Dorian Gorski
MacOS 3D, ZZDorian, Kopland Bold.

Lloyd's schemes
from Lloyd Wood
Amadeus, a greyscale kaleidoscope.

MacAddict schemes
from MacAddict
DeadLine, MacAddict schemes, MacAddict98.

MacLand's schemes
from MacLand

MacSurfShop schemes
from Mike Yrabedra
Macabunga, Damage.

Martin's schemes
from Martin Pfeiffer

Maury's schemes
from Maury McCown
WARNING: STUFFIT 5 COMPRESSED! Another Polished Grey, ArroSlide, Bleen, Border, Chicken Scratch, Forest, Green Be, Herouth's Shadow, Karen's Pinky, Lilac, Lilac and then Some, Moses, Mossy, Nothing special, PARISite, Pink and Then Some, Sandstone, Sandstone Green, Simpleton, Smooth, Smoother, The Unnamed Scheme, The Zone, Truck Stop.

Midnight Hour Graphics schemes
from Patricia Erigero
Agora, De Los Muertos, Folly, Forum, Forum Red, Gem Twist, Hoo-Re, Karlsplatz, Les Heures d'Automne, Mr. Blackie, North Pole, Pomona, Sullivan's Apprentice, Sweet Nothings, Tea Room, The Love for Three Oranges, Turf Club.

Mike T's schemes
from Mike Thompson
Blue Tech, Green Tech, Lightsaber, Mac X, Stealth.

Mike's schemes
from Mike Yuhas

Mozco !Garash! schemes
from Igarashi Susumu
!.Emperor, !.Noel, Bone China, FishBone, Mustard, Rivet, Rubber, Scale, Strawberry, Syringe.

Nancy's schemes
from Nancy Malvina Ibsen
Copper and Jade, Glass.

PEP! schemes
from Anthony Kwiatkowski
PEP! ?, PEP! Alien, PEP! Be, PEP! Classic, PEP! Deco, PEP! Ultra.

Phil's schemes
from Phil Vieth

QuadRand schemes
from QuadRand
DollyDots, DollyDotsBeam, DollyDotsBeefy, DollyDotsBeetle, DollyDotsBeluga, DollyDotsBluey, DollyDotsDark, DollyDotsDarker, DollyDotsFlute, DollyDotsFunky, DollyDotsMime, DollyDotsOrbit, DollyDotsSpum, DollyDotsTubu, Metro.

Railroad schemes
from Jim Herzman
1. / 11. Southern Pacific, 2. / 12. Santa Fe, 3. / 13. Burlington Northern Cream, 4. / 14. Burlington Northern White, 5. / 15. Burlington Northern Black, 6. / 16. Southern Pacific Dark Gray, 7. / 17. Southern Pacific Light Gray, 8. / 18. CSX Blue-White, 9. / 19. CSX Blue-Gray, 10. / 20. CSX Blue-Yellow, 21. Union Pacific Scheme, 22. Wisconsin Central, 23. Santa Fe, 24. Denver & Rio Grande Western, 25. Southern Pacific Black Widow, 26. Chicago & NorthWestern, 27. CSX, 28. Western Pacific, 29. Northern Pacific, 30. Norfolk southern, 31. Pacific Electric, 32. NSB - Norges Statsbaner, 33. Kansas City Southern, 34. British Railways, 35. Conrail, 36. Christmas 1997, 37. Burlington Northern - Santa Fe, 38. New Haven, 39. Durango & Silverton, 40. Arizona & California.

Rhapsody schemes
from Wade Cosgrove
Rhapsody DR1.

Richard's scheme
from Richard Osmond
Hidden Gold.

Rick Silver's schemes
from Rick Silver
Be Yellow Pages, New York Rangers 1996, New York Rangers 1997, Queensryche - EMPIRE, Red and Black, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Yellow Pages!.

Robin's schemes
from Robin Mitchell
ROB OS, Shade, Total NeXT.

Ronald's schemes
from Ronald Bieber
Blue Cube, FlatView.

Scott's schemes
from Scott Naness
Be Grayscale, Copland 7, Windows 95.

Scrollites schemes
from Layne Karkruff
Alien, Asia, Aspen, Comet, Denim, Dragon, Gold, Jorriki, Phoenix, Sapphire, Scarab, Walrus, Wing.

ShoqWave Schemes
from ShoqWave Multimedia Productions

Steelee's schemes
from Steelee Faltis

Sven's schemes
from Sven Berg Ryen
Blue Clue, BlueBox, Magellan, Martini, Red White and Blue.

T.M.'s schemes
from T.M.
Black & White.

Timechanic Industries schemes
from Adam
PurpleSpiderEyes, PurpleTechII.

TSH schemes
from Toshi Suzuki
Black Pop, Frog White, ReMix NeXT, ReMix NeXT Blue, ReMix NeXT Red, VAIOLET.

wyz schemes
from Yasuo "wyz" Suzuki
Amethyst, Bom!, Capella, Clock, DarkSide, Donna, Dreamer, FakeGold, FakePt., Garden, Genereght, Lumber, Luxuly, M.Mesh, Marble, Maximizor, Mesh, NightMare, Revolution, RubberBlue, RubberDarkGrey, RubberGray, RubberGreen, RubberRed, Spark, Sparkle, SteamBull, XLR Black, XLR Type3, XLR Ver.2.

Yanko's schemes
from Yanko

Taetia Zysshe's schemes
from Taetia Zysshe
Blue Savannah and more.

Lloyd Wood (
this page last updated 5 June 2004