Lloyd Wood - notes on plagiarismNotes on plagiarism
Do good work, and make it available, and you will be plagiarised.
Some examples from my personal experience:
Christopher Adeogun
His Google Scholar page seems unremarkable, but links to Academia and ResearchGate articles which no longer exist. At one point he had over two hundred publications on both, none of which he'd written, other than to edit the author information to include his sole name, often in full: Christopher Otabisi Oluwatobi Adeogun. A lot of complaining to ResearchGate and to Academia got those removed.
Its entire chapter 3 (pages 38-59) is copied from my own masters thesis created at ENST Toulouse for the University of Surrey in 1995, including my error in the Pascal's triangle -- without reference or credit. Here's Alqam on LinkedIn.
And then there's Riadh Dhaou's PhD thesis, which copies vast chunks of the Bisante deliverable we put together, which includes a lot of my original work for my masters and PhD work... sigh. That man has no shame.
Broadband Satellite Systems, Bern et al., reuses SaVi renderings without reference, so I complained. But that was on-the-web publications before Surveys and Tutorials went more formal. Amusing how that 'Peer-Reviewed' in their graphic looks like 'Poor'... Surveys & Tutorials shut down for a year and reopened with a new editorial team; colleagues have since published in Surveys.