Examples of use of 
All rights are reserved on the SaVi images on these pages. A service rendering SaVi images on request is available. Any use of SaVi images must credit
SaVi. Suggested references are:
L. Wood, SaVi: satellite constellation visualization, First Annual CCSR Research Symposium, Centre for Communication Systems Research, University of Surrey, 30 June 2011.
L. Wood, P. Worfolk et al., SaVi - Satellite constellation Visualization software, http://savi.sf.net/, 2017.
On the web, you can provide credit with a simple link:
<small>created with <em><a href="http://savi.sourceforge.net/"
title="Satellite Visualization software from The Geometry Center"
>SaVi</a></em>.</small> |
Articles discussing SaVi itself include:
- Simple visualization tool for analysis of satellite orbits and constellations, P. Truchly and J. Cervienka, International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA), November 2016.
- Review: free software: Satellite Visualisation SaVi 1.5.0, Richard Smedley, Linux User & Developer, issue 171, p. 92, October 2016.
- A simulator tool for Earth's satellites, running on Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows and Mac, Marius Nestor, Softpedia, 2015.
- SaVi puts 3-D satellite tracking on your desktop, Lisa Hoover, OStatic, 11 December 2009.
- Look, up in the sky! Track satellites with SaVi, Lee Schlesinger, SourceForge, 9 December 2009.
- Tracking, Need to Know, 21 December 2001.
Examples of use of SaVi include:
- B. Schweber, Iridium: The Audacious SatComm Network That (Almost) Couldn't, IEEE GlobalSpec Engineering 360, 22 December 2016.
- Raja P., The Art of Satellite Constellation Design: What You Need to Know, Astrome blog, 7 September 2015.
- L. Press, Can Google connect the "other three billion" in developing nations and rural areas?,
CIS 471, Internet applications and technology and their implications for individuals, organizations and society,
12 June 2014.
- R. Q. Hofacker, Satellites (Communications and Navigation), Van Nostrand Scientific Encyclopedia, 2005.
- Department of Electronic Engineering, Degree programmes in Electronic Engineering, p. 10, University of Surrey, 2004.
- T. R. Henderson, LEO Satellite Networks, Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, John Proakis (ed.) et al., Wiley, 2003.
- W. Shäfer, The New Global History Toward a Narrative for Pangaea Two, Erwägen Wissen Ethik, vol. 14 no. 1, pp. 75-88, 2003.
- Y. Fun Hu, G. Maral and E. Ferro (eds.), EU COST action 253: Service efficient network interconnection via satellite, pp. 128-129, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-48669-8, January 2002.
- M. Dodge and R. Kitchin, Atlas of Cyberspace, p. vi, Cables and satellites section, p. 22, ISBN 0-201-74575-5, August 2001.
- M. Dodge and R. Kitchin, Mapping Cyberspace, Ch. 5, Mapping information and communication technologies, figure 5.6, October 2000.
- O. Montenbruck and E. Gill, Satellite Orbits: Models, Methods and Applications, p. 7.
- K. Fall and K. Varadhan (eds.), ns manual, ch. 17, Satellite networking in ns.
Academic work showcasing SaVi, sometimes with the satellite plot scripts, includes:
- S. A. Malik, Inter-Satellite Communication Links for Sensor Networks in Low Earth Orbits, PhD thesis, University of Leicester, June 2019.
- C. J. Salerno, Architecture Analysis for a Rapidly Deployable GPS Constellation, Technical Report, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, United States, April 2019.
- T. Klenze, G. Giuliari, C. Pappas, A. Perrig and D. Basin, Networking in Heaven as on Earth, Proceedings of the 17th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), pp. 22-28, November 2018.
- X. Yang, Low earth orbit (LEO) mega constellations - satellite and terrestrial integrated communication network, PhD thesis, University of Surrey, November 2018.
- R. Pratama and N. Fadilah, Channel adaptive diversity handover with multiple queueing models for LEO equatorial satellites, Proceedings of the The Fifth International Symposium on LAPAN-IPB Satellite for Food Security and Environmental Monitoring (LISAT-FSEM), Bogor, Indonesia, November 2018.
- E. L. Jones, Multiple Satellite Communication System for Low Earth Orbit and High Altitude Platforms, PhD thesis, University of Bath, October 2018.
- B. Tauran et al., Making H-ARQ suitable for a mobile TCP receiver over LEO satellite constellations, 9th EAI International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Systems (formerly PSATS), Oxford, September 2017.
- B. Barritt, The Modeling, Simulation, and Operational Control of Aerospace Communication Networks, PhD thesis, Case Western Reserve University, August 2017.
- A. Boriboon, Optimizing Communication Utility of Routing Protocol for Satellite IP Networks, PhD thesis, Assumption University of Thailand, July 2017.
- A. Tiainen, Inter-Satellite Link Antennas: Review and The Near Future, Masters thesis in Space Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, January 2017.
- Xin Yang, Z. Sun, H. Cruickshank, ye Miao et al., Technology of New Generation LEO Satellite Network and Terrestrial MANET Integration, ZTE Technology Journal, August 2016, vol 22 no 4 pp 58-63. Figure 5 is a Chinese transation of SaVi's Fisheye.
- H. M. Bedón Monzón, Contribution to the improvement of communication services in nanosatellite constellations using delay and disruption tolerant networking based architectures, PhD dissertation, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2016.
- Jan-Hielke le Roux et al., A nano-satellite constellation for tracking and monitoring endangered wildlife in developing countries, finalist and IAA Award recipient in the Third Mission Idea Contest (MIC3), Second UNISEC-Global Meeting, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan, 19 November 2014. (video - animation at 5:1a.7) Later published in Inventive Ideas for Micro/Nano-Satellites The MIC3 Report, IAA Book Series, pp.37-49, 2015.
- E. N. Nasser, Multi Mission Low Earth Orbit Equatorial Satellite for Indonesian Regions, IEEE International Conference on Aerospace Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (ICARES), pp. 121-126, November 2014.
- A. Boriboon and S. Pongpadpinit, The COMMStellationTM Constellation for Broadband Communication System Model in NS-2, International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, vol. 7 no. 10, pp. 430-439, October 2014.
- M. Nirmala and R. V. Pujeri, Performance of Transmission Control Protocol congestion control algorithms on Teledesic satellites constellations, Journal of Computer Science, vol. 10 issue 8, August 2014, pp. 1531-1542.
- L. Wood, Y. Lou and O. Olusola, Revisiting elliptical satellite orbits to enhance the O3b constellation, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, vol. 67 no. 3, pp. 110-118, March 2014.
- M. Nirmala and R. V. Pujeri, Evaluation of TCP congestion control algorithms on different satellite constellations, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), December 2013.
- P. C. Anderson, The Orbital Dynamics of Advanced Planetary Observation Systems, PhD thesis, University of Strathclyde, section 5.4, pp. 131-135, July 2013.
- M. Nirmala and R. V. Pujeri, Performance of TCP Vegas, Bic and Reno Congestion Control Algorithms on Iridium Satellite Constellations, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS), vol. 4, no. 12, pp. 40-49, November 2012.
- P. Muri and J. McNair, A Survey of Communication Sub-systems for Intersatellite Linked Systems and CubeSat missions, Journal of Communications, vol. 7 no. 4, pp. 290-308, April 2012.
- J. E. Draim, W. Huang, D. A. Vallado, D. Finkleman and P. Cefola, Common-period four-satellite continuous global coverage constellations revisited, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, vol. 143, pp. 667-686, January 2012.
- L. Wood, SaVi: satellite constellation visualization, First Annual CCSR Research Symposium, Centre for Communication Systems Research, 30 June 2011.
- M.-M. Burlacu, Performance Analysis and Routing in
Nanosatellite Constellations: Models and Applications for Remote Regions,
PhD thesis, ch. 4, Université de Haute Alsace, December 2010.
- H. M. Bedón Monzón, C. Negron, J. Llantoy, C. M. Nieto and C. O. Asma, Preliminary Internetworking Simulation of the QB50 Cubesat Constellation, IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATCOM), Bogota, Colombia, November 2010.
- M.-M. Burlacu, P. Lorenz and J. Kohlenberg, Performance Comparative Study of eXtended Satellite Transport Protocol over Traditional Satellites Networks and Nanosatellite Constellations, IARIA Journal on Advances in Telecommunications, vol. 3, no. 3&4, 2010, pp. 324-337.
- S. A. Alexandrovich, D. V. Nikolaevich and L. N. Nikolaevich, Virtual laboratory for modeling telecommunication systems based on the software Network Simulator (in Russian), Bulletin of the Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Management, Computer Science and Informatics, 2010.
- Zongyang Luo, Routing and End-to-End Quality of Service in Satellite IP Networks, PhD thesis, University of Surrey, Fig. 3-4 p. 55, 2008.
- L. Castanet (ed.), Influence of the Variability of the Propagation Channel on Mobile, Fixed Multimedia and Optical Satellite Communications, SatNEx consortium, Shaker Verlag, 2008.
- T. Gangale, A Limited International Agreement on Property Rights, AIAA 2007-6072, Space Conference and Exhibition, California, September 2007.
- A. Bradley, Stabilising Global Climate with Space Solar Power, MSc thesis, Cranfield University, August 2007.
- Yan He, Integrating LEO Satellite Constellations into Internet Backbone, PhD thesis, University of Pisa, May 2007.
- H. Yang, X. Wang and H. Zhao, The Modeling, Simulation and Effectiveness Evaluation for Communication Networks of Multi-layer Satellites Constellation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, Guangzhou, China, pp. 1055-1060, November 2006.
- C. Wullems, O. Pozzobon, and K. Kubik, Secure tracking for critical applications: communications, GPS and future Galileo services, in P. Mendis, L. Priyan, J. Lai and E. Dawson (eds.), Recent Advances in Security Technology, Australian Homeland Security Research Centre, Canberra, ACT.
- T. Taleb, A. Jamalipour, N. Kato and Y. Nemototo, Theatre in the Sky: a ubiquitous broadband multimedia-on-demand service over a novel constellation composed of quasi-geostationary satellites, International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, vol. 24 issue 3, pp. 215-227, May/June 2006.
- T. Taleb, Internetworking over Next-Generation NGEO/IP-based Satellite Communications Systems, PhD thesis, Tohoku University, August 2005.
- J. C. Del Valle Pérez, Analysis of voice over IP on satellites and the impact of different GEO and LEO orbits in quality of service and performance (in Spanish), Tesis de Maestría en Ciencias (master's thesis), Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, August 2006.
- R. Zamora Barrientos, Analysis of transmission of voice over IP in real time in nets of satellites of low orbit with processing on board (in Spanish), Tesis de Maestría en Ciencias (master's thesis), Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, October 2005.
- T. Taleb, U. Dharmaratna, N. Kato, and Y. Nemoto, A Geographical Location Based Satellite Selection Scheme for a Novel Constellation Composed of Quasi-Geostationary Satellites, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication, ICC 2005, Seoul, Korea, May 2005.
- A. D. Funge, Daytime Detection of Space Objects, Master's thesis, US Air Force Institute of
Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, March 2005.
- L. Press, The Internet in developing nations: Grand challenges, First Monday, vol. 9 no. 4, 5 April 2004.
- J. Demko, J. Hongli, C.Schlak and L. Tran, LEO satellite services - can a startup provider survive?, Capstone paper, Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program, 14 December 2001.
- L. Wood, Internetworking with satellite constellations, PhD thesis, University of Surrey, June 2001.
- L. Wood, G. Pavlou and B. G. Evans, Managing diversity with handover to provide classes of service in satellite constellation networks, Proceedings of the 19th AIAA International Communication Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC), vol. 3, session 35, no. 194, Toulouse, France, April 2001.
- T. R. Henderson and R. Katz, On Distributed, Geographic-Based Packet Routing for LEO Satellite Networks,
Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2000, San Francisco, California, November 2000.
- P. Gvozdjak, Modeling communications in low-Earth-orbit satellite networks, PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, August 2000.
- I. El Khamlichi and L. Franck, Study of Two Policies for Implementing Routing Algorithms in Satellite Constellations, Proceedings of the 18th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC), Oakland, California, April 2000.
- T. R. Henderson and R. Katz, Network Simulation for LEO Satellite Networks, Proceedings of the 18th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC), Oakland, California, April 2000.
- T. R. Henderson, Networking over next-generation satellite systems, PhD dissertation, Computer Science Division, University of California at Berkeley, Fall 1999.
- M. Hadjitheodosiou, A. Ephremides and D. Friedman, Broadband access via satellite, Computer Networks vol. 31, issue 4, pp. 353-378, February 1999.
- V. B. Ashpole, Command and Control 2010: the impact of emerging commercial satellite systems on joint operations, graduation thesis AU/ACSC/987/1998-008, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, April 1998.
- L. Wood, H. Cruickshank and Z. Sun, Supporting group applications via satellite constellations with multicast, Proceedings of the Sixth IEE Conference on Telecommunications, pp. 190-194, Edinburgh, April 1998.
- G. Comparetto and R. Ramirez, Trends in Mobile Satellite Technology, IEEE Computer, vol. 37 no. 2, pp. 44-52, February 1997.
Press articles featuring SaVi include:
- O3b MEO Fleet Still Growing, Patrick Gannon, BusinessCom Network blog, 19 February 2018.
- SES: Compression's always led to video growth, & will again, Peter B. de Selding, Space Intel Report, 8 May 2017.
- SpaceX's return to flight removes Iridium's Sword of Damocles, Peter B. de Selding, Space Intel Report, 16 January 2017.
- Big satellite systems, simulated on your desktop, Slashdot, 1 February 2016.
- Chris Quilty Handicaps the Silicon Valley-fueled Space Race, Warren Ferster, SpaceNews, 26 February 2015.
- Wave of Constellation Fever Has a Familiar Ring (later retitled Constellation Choir Singing Familiar Tune), SpaceNews, 5 February 2015.
- More Questions About the Rumoured Google Satellite Constellation, Marc Boucher, 3 June 2014.
- Will Google Build a Satellite Constellation? Marc Boucher, SpaceRef, 3 June 2014.
- Secure tracking for critical applications, Chris Wullems, Oscar Pozzobon and Kurt Kubik, PositionIT, November-December 2007, pp. 65-72.
- Connectivity model for the developing world builds on NSF Net's success, Larry Press, The Weekly Op-Ed, The Wireless Internet Institute, 5 May 2004.
- Covering the world, Adam Rogers and Jennifer Tanaka, Focus on Technology, Newsweek, 12 May 1997, page 88.
- 'Net access for all mankind, Seattle Times/Post-Intelligencer, 29 September 1996, page 1.
ESA constellation logo |
The European Space Agency used SaVi for the logo for its megaconstellations initiative:
- Curbing space debris in the era of mega-constellations, general studies programme, European Space Agency, 18 July 2018.
- Opening plenary session (9:48 mark), 7th European Conference on Space Debris, April 2017.
- Managing mega-constellations, general studies programme, European Space Agency, 30 March 2017.
- Delivering multibeam antennas on a budget, space engineering and technology, European Space Agency, 3 February 2017.
- Megaconstellations: a game changer, Jessica, the clean space blog, European Space Agency, 22 July 2016.
- ESA announces dedicated support for the development of megaconstellations, European Space Agency, 31 July 2015.
- Megaconstellation as enablers for new service and applications opportunities, EMITS AO8585, European Space Agency.
- ARTES Megaconstellation Opportunity (logo), European Space Agency, November 2015.
Use in teaching:
- Wikipedia: O3b networks (French), Iridium, Globalstar, Notfunkbake.
- Simulating Satellites and Satellite Constellations using Ns2 and Other Tools, Charles Pandian, ProjectGuideline.com.
- Introduction aux communications par satellites, Laurent Franck et al., June-July 2015 (sample).
- Constellations - orbital types, uses and advantages, Lloyd Wood, International Workshop on Space and Satellite Communication 2008 (IWSSC '08), Toulouse, 1 October 2008.
- Satellite applications workshop, Lloyd Wood, International Space University, Strasbourg, 12 July 2006.
- The Martian Network, project for ECE6390, Greg Durgin (instructor), Georgia Tech, Fall 2005.
Satellite simulations on YouTube:
SaVi has also featured in:
- Opening plenary session (9:48 mark), 7th European Conference on Space Debris, April 2017.
- Iridium Satellite Hacking (6:35 mark), Stefan Zehl et al., HOPE XI, New York, July 2016.
- ARTES Megaconstellation Opportunity (logo), European Space Agency, November 2015.
- O3b presentations (8:25 mark), 2009.
- Boeing home page coverage, May 1997. (Revised after credit was requested.)
- Teledesic multimedia gallery, 1997-2002.
If giving credit for use is undesirable, there are alternatives to SaVi.
Lloyd Wood
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